about us
Unleash the potential of augmented reality for the industrial metaverse with BARS
BARS, which stands for Bold Augmented Reality Systems, offers a comprehensive range of hardware, software, and services tailored to design and deploy cutting-edge AR solutions based on the TeamViewer Frontline platform.
BARS’ commitment to success goes beyond just providing hardware and software.
With BARS, you gain access to a team of experienced professionals ready to support you at every step of your AR journey. From defining the initial AR use case ROI to designing, integrating, and deploying the end-to-end AR solution, BARS is here to ensure your AR solution performs optimally and delivers tangible results.
What we do
Data Input
Company ERP sends the Data to Field Operations (Logistics / Field Service / Plant Ops / Training).
AR/XR Workflow Transformation
The Data Input (Order, Ticket, Instructions, Validation flow etc.) is transformed into an accurate AR/XR workflow through the Smart Glasses for a work “gamification”.
Enhanced Operation Execution
Augmented Operations are Executed Better and Faster with 100% tracking and on-demand or instant support where needed.
Expertise On-Demand
Always rely on your best skills when & where you need them: remote support with AR/XR let your most experienced people assist their peers through the “See what I See” mode.
AI-Powered Operations
Enable the Operators with “AI Superpowers”: AI Count, AI Maintenance Predictions, AI Quality Assessment and more, tailored for your own process.
Real-Time Data Sync & Reporting
The AR/XR backend collects the “Real-Time Execution Data” from the Operators and Syncs with the Company ERP for detailed Reporting and Audit Trail for each single task.
Our history
BARS is a startup founded in 2020 with the clear intent of being the reference point in Italy and worldwide for Augmented Reality and wearable technology skills and solutions.
Founded as a spin-off of a primary consulting company in the field of Business Process Reengineering and IT system Integration, BARS provides all technical, organizational and process expertise as well as the best HW/SW solutions aimed at the enabling and effective introduction of Augmented Reality and Wearable Computing technologies in the context of primary industrial business processes.
2020 – TeamViewer Partner
BARS has become a reference partner of TeamViewer in Italy for the design, configuration and marketing on the Italian market of advanced AR solutions based on the Frontline platform.
2021 - TeamViewer Gold Solution Partner
BARS became a proud TeamViewer Gold Solution Partner for both Augmented Reality Frontline solutions and Augmented Reality integrations with TeamViewer IOT Platform, TeamViewer Analytics, TeamViewer Core applications.
2023 – SAP Champion Partner
BARS entered as a Champion Partner within the SAP ecosystem helping customers extend and integrate the on-premise and cloud applications they already have, trough SAP platform.
2024 – Winning Digital360 Awards
The project by Bars is the winner of the Digital Transformation Award for the Internet of Things category at the Digital360 Awards, explaining how we offer an innovative service on technical machinery by lowering intervention SLAs using AR/MR.